Embody: How To Connect With Your Divine Feminine Energy (4) 'Stand In Your Soft Power'
By Yiye Zhang
The following, is 'Part 4' of a 5-part series - featuring the work of YiYe Zhang - this is a comprehensive guide to a fascinating and highly relevant spiritual subject.
4. Stand In Your Soft Power
“The soft overcomes the hard.
The slow overcomes the fast.”
– Lao Zi
We were born in a Universe full of fascinating paradoxes, for example, being soft gives you more access to deeper impact and longevity. Our soft power is the secret ingredient of high femininity.
Feminine power is our humility, adaptability and curiosity. It opens us to a multi-dimensional and sensory world. It takes us long and far in life.
Feminine power, like the ocean, is healing and accepting. She stays low so that all streams and rivers flow to her like returning home.
Feminine power resides in silence, in the pause, held deeply in your essence.
Feminine power does not push, she attracts and invites. She draws in genuine interests. She is the magnet in you.
It is not always easy to appreciate such an inner-magnet, or even to recognise it to start with. The mainstream media’s definition of triumph is full of images and stories of aggressive persuasion and mindless expansion.
However, there are quieter and perhaps more meaningful and long-lasting success stories among the people.
Such as Pamela Warhurst and her project “Incredible Edible”, which transformed Todmodern, a little town in North West England, and contributed back to the wider society by gathering the community and growing food in the street!
There are plenty of people who have “made it” by being their authentic self and leaning back to their soft/feminine power.
Feminine power pays us respect, provides us sustenance, and above all, it makes daily living more enjoyable.
In a world full of conflicts and anger currently, our soft/feminine power is more needed than ever.
Your feminine power is playful, sensual, and benevolent, you might have forgotten about it, but with the right intention and tools, you definitely have access to it – here is how.
Are you standing in your feminine power?
Do you appreciative these qualities: intuitive, compassionate, empathetic, collaborative? Do you utilise these qualities in your work and life? Or do you overlook or even dismiss them?
Do you want to share your gifts and talents with the world? What kind of difference would you like to contribute back to the world? Or are you holding back due to fear or some stubborn patterns?
Do you enjoy watching others succeed, and even want to lend a helpful hand? Or do you feel threatened in general?
Where there is disagreement, will you be able to breathe, tune in to your intuition and allow it to be your guidance? Or will you rush into a fighting mode by default?
How are you showing up to your day to day work? Are you clear with your intention, engaged with your action, savoring the process? Or are you on an autopilot, disinterested, disengaged?
What knowledge would you like to share with your community? How can you reshape your current relationships and shift from competition to more joyful collaboration?
Feminine/soft power not only make us reside calmly in our spot in the Universe, it also enhances and enriches more lives in the wider community, leading a healthier ecology.
Like Mama Earth, our Divine Feminine makes the world practical and real. She holds it all together: the male and the female, the high and the low, the expansion and the contraction, the seeking and returning.
Author: Yiye Zhang - to read about Yiye and to get in touch with her - click here.
To read other parts in this 'Embody: How To Connect With Your Divine Feminine Energy' series - visit SOLAR's - Daily Health Tips Index - by clicking here.
Connect With Your Divine Feminine Energy - Index
To view the contents of this index – click the subject title of interest below.
- 3 Signs that You're Suppressing Your Feminine Energy – Zenquility
- 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Feminine Energy - Forever Conscious
- Confident Woman - Understanding Feminine Energy
- Five Steps to Activating Divine Feminine Energy
- Honoring Your Feminine Energy Throughout Life's Transitions
- How to Nurture Your Feminine Side | The Chopra Center
- How To Use Feminine Power To Influence A Man
- Nurturing the Feminine - The Women's Wellness Collective
- Receptivity and Honoring the Feminine: The Power of Stillness
- The Rise of Feminine Energy | HuffPost
- About | Feminine Energy
- Can anyone explain what feminine energy is? - Quora
- What Does “The Divine Feminine” Mean?
Feminine & Masculine Energy
- Balancing Your Feminine and Masculine Energies | Goop
- Female and Masculine Chakras – Satori Rei
- Masculine And Feminine Balance – Part 1 – ASK THE LOVE DOCTOR
Google Scholar
- Divine Feminine Energy
- Eve's Shadow - Healing the Wounded Feminine
- Healing the Manipulated Masculine and Wounded Feminine
- How to Connect to the Healing Power of the Feminine
Honouring Your Emotions
- Accepting, Honoring, & Channeling Your Emotions -
- Buddhist Insights for Accepting and Respecting Our Emotions | HuffPost
- Honour Your Feelings - They Matter | Rachel Dhanjal
- How I Learned to Honor My Emotions and Support My Own Well-Being
- Emotions as Honored Guests - Learning in Action Technologies - PDF
- Self Knowledge - Respect Your Feelings - The Heart of Spirituality
- Your Feelings Matter | HuffPost Life
- Balancing of Masculine and Feminine Energy
- Feminine Energy
- 7 Simple Practices To Connect To Your Divine Feminine
Self Care
- Practicing Self-Care Is Important: 10 Easy Habits To Get You Started
- The importance of self-care | TED Talks -
- Why Self Care Is So Important - Lifehacker
- Why Self-Care Is So Important - Verywell Mind
Self Honesty
- 25 Questions to Encourage Self-Honesty — Follow Your Own Rhythm
- Always Be Honest with Yourself about These 7 Things – Learning Mind
- How to Be Honest with Yourself - Psych Central
- Radical Self-Honesty | Psychology Today
- The Truth about Self-Deception - Choose Honesty
- What It Means to Be Honest With Yourself - The Meaningful Life Center
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