'Daily Instruction'
At the 'root' of all sickness is the 'thought life' of the individual. If the 'thought life' is 'positive' - then good health, can be obtained and sustained. If the 'thought life' is 'emotionally disturbed' then 'physical illness,' is manifested.
One of the greatest contributors to 'emotionally disturbed' 'thought life' - are the 'fear patterns' - often deliberately created and promoted in the 'public space.'
This can take the form of exaggerated and/or incorrect 'news reporting' - 'propaganda' or even 'advertisements' and 'promotional materials.' All these aspects of the 'public space' are often 'poisonous' to a healthy 'thought life.'
Fears, especially about health matters, often only succeeds in planting fear in the minds of the public - such 'fear patterns' are 'contagious' and individuals often unwittingly, carry these fear patterns around with them - often unconscious of the power of such thoughts and often unaware of the effects, these have on the their own physical body and that of others.
It is our belief, that such actions in the 'public space' are deliberately designed to weaken large sections of the public, by elements in society, who would seek to control the mass of Humanity surreptitiously.
This to them, is simply one further mechanism of control.
The mechanism for 'individual release' from such 'controlling actions' - is extremely simple and does not require mass organisation and large sums of money.
That 'phase' of change (on the material plane,) will arrive at the appropriate time - However, what an individual can do immediately to help themselves and others, is to acquire the 'Wisdom,' 'Knowledge' and 'Understanding' to counteract these 'controlling actions' at the individual level. This will enable them to initially, first help themselves and then go on to help others.
Such is the case with 'Self Healing,' - if its underlying philosophy and techniques, are first understood - the 'revolution,' - in 'healthcare' - most of us intuitively feel is due - will manifest/happen.
It must always be remembered that the ultimate power is with the 'mind' - at all levels - the 'individual,' 'collective'/'community' and ultimately 'universal'/ 'cosmic' levels.
If this is understood - then the simplicity in these techniques, will not baffle the individual as s/he applies them, but the results, because of the power 'inherent' in a 'believing mind' - will rapidly flow.
It is not a case of 'mind over matter,' - but an understanding of the 'truth,' about 'so called' 'matter' - and that is 'Matter is Mind,' - namely ultimately 'comprises' 'mind'/ 'consciousness' / 'wave particle' - 'duality' - call it what you want.
The truth is that there exists no 'separated,' 'independent' - item or basic 'fundamental element' - but an 'interconnected network' sharing an 'underlying unity.' You can term this 'underlying unity,' - the 'Laws' or 'Principles' governing all.
If its fundamental precepts are properly understood - these can be turned to solve issues faced in all aspects of Human existence - even 'physical'/ 'material' ones. It is nothing less than that goal we purpose to consider in this work.
It can be seen therefore - that 'thought life' - is fundamental and not to be taken lightly. What 'we do' - with our 'thoughts' - 'fashions' and 'shapes,' our 'material'/'physical' Existence in all aspects - including health.
It is with this understanding that in our view - even the term 'Biology' itself is improperly defined.
Biology is often defined as the 'study of the physical manifestation of life,' however it should properly be defined as, the 'study of Life' as it is manifested in 'physical things'/'bodies.'
It therefore follows that the most successful remedy, is that which deals not just with the physical form and therefore leaves the fundamental cause without remedy, but that science which attempts to remove the cause.
For good health the individual must remove the 'destructive thought pattern' - then, will the cause underlying the physical ailment will be removed.
In this work, we shall set out how the individual who seeks good health, can examine their 'thought life' and in discovering the cause of sickness supply a positive remedy.
- 'Self Heal And Live Life' (SHALL)
"It is the mind that makes the body."
- Sojourner Truth
SHALL's - Self Healing Index
To view the contents of this index – click the index title of interest below.
- Self-healing | Define Self-healing at
- Self-healing | Definition of Self-healing by Merriam-Webster
- What is self-healing? - Definition from
Fear & Anxiety
- 33 Powerful Ways of Overcoming Fear ... Right Now - Wake Up Cloud
- Anxiety, Fear, Phobias, & Panic Attacks
- Art therapy - anxiety, worries, fears
- Coping with Anxiety
- Overcoming Fear - How to Conquer Your Fears -
- Overcoming Fear: The Only Way Out is Through | Psychology Today
- Pinterest - Anxiety & Fear
Mind Power
- Mind Power Quotes
- Pinterest - Mind Power
- The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!
Self Healing
- Pinterest - Self Healing
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