The 'Self' is at the core of the 'mental world,' the 'mental environment' and the 'external physical environment.'
By the term 'the Self,' we regard it as being synonymous and interchangeable with the concept of 'I,' 'ego' and the 'individual personality.'
We can loosely define the Self as, the I - 'individual conscious awareness of Existence.' This process is expressed through what we term the 'mind,' and / or the 'mental world.'
The 'Self' is central to 'practical psychology' and the concept of 'Self Empowerment.'
If we can come to understand the 'mind' and/or the mental world, how it operates, its weaknesses and strengths (within any individual) we are well on the way to be able to successfully navigate the 'social environment,' we as individuals, operate in.
In considering the mind within its social environment, it is necessary to consider its 'laws' - 'mental laws,' 'principles' and the 'psychological processes' that govern the mind. It is the 'Self Mastery' of these various elements in this mental world, we regard as the essence of 'practical psychology.' Further and through a proper understanding of these elements - the individual will be empowered to take positive steps - make positive choices - to ensure proper 'mental health.'
The importance of 'social relationships' is central to mental and emotional well being. The relationships an individual expresses and experiences in the home / workplace - with family, friends, colleagues etc... are vital in creating and maintaining mental and emotional well being.
In considering the maintenance of the internal / mental environment, it is important to recognize the external influences in our 'social environment' and how this can effect our emotional state. In particular, external influences in the form of personal relationships i.e. with immediate family and friends - can have a powerful influence on the condition of our 'inner world' - such interactions can have both positive and negative effects.
'A toxic environment will produce toxic products - a toxic society will produce, toxic individuals.'
Unfortunately, modern lifestyles have a high probability of producing 'mental toxicity.' It is unnecessary here to detail the problems of the modern lifestyle, it is all too familiar to most of us - incessant demands caused by pressures of time, information overload, emotional stress and anxiety... Though it can be harmful, this toxicity can be easily managed, through an adequate concern for ‘mental hygiene’ / mental health.
We all at times often feel, that we have no control over what we are exposed to in our external / social environments - in psychology, this is referred to as being 'subject to' external stimuli.
Whilst we may not always have control over external stimuli we are subjected to, we do have absolute / total control over our responses. The development, practice and exercise of this 'responsal control' is what we term 'Self Empowerment.'
In order to employ this strategy however, one must first be aware of this 'stimuli.' One of the pervading aspects of 'modern society' / 'culture,' which in turn shapes the 'modern mind' - is that the 'modern mind' is often continually the subject of 'stimuli' - often surreptitiously - hidden - undercover - undisclosed - without the individual being aware that s/he is a target.
Common examples of modern external stimuli, would be 'advertising' and the 'media' in general, and with its 'programs' of entertainment. Social media has also now increasingly become another dynamic platform for mass external stimuli in the digital realm.
Technology itself with the electronic gadgets we routinely use, are further ways the individual is often unwittingly subject to external stimuli.
Therefore, the first step towards securing 'mental hygiene' and health, is to become AWARE!
You must become fully conscious in your daily life that these mediums of exposure exist and that they are powerful and are real influences on the mind.
How you respond to external stimuli depends upon the condition of your internal / mental environment. If you are worried or anxious, you are more likely to become irritable - seeing problems rather than seeking solutions.
If on the other hand, you are in a calm and balanced state, you will not be so easily affected by external issues - instead you will be able to think clearly of the best possible responses.
It is therefore important, to maintain a clear and healthy internal / mental environment - one way in which you can do this is through 'meditation.' Meditation is a powerful tool to clear the mind and bring out the best qualities of the mind - the mind is a powerful tool, when one knows how to properly use it!
Emotional distress can affect us in a variety of ways - and its result will find expression in a number of different behavioural patterns such as addictions, physical ailments, boredom, obsessions, compulsions, self sabotaging behaviours, anger, etc... The most common treatment presently for these 'conditions' are 'prescribed drugs' and 'talk therapy,' however increasingly 'alternative' and 'complimentary' methods are being used in the area of 'emotional healing' / 'well being.'
The 'Self,' the 'I' or the 'ego' can all be loosely regarded as a reasonable definition of the Self - 'self consciousness' / 'awareness.' This 'Self' has certain 'qualities,' 'characteristics' - certain 'universal properties' - thus these universal aspects of ‘Self’ will be seen in all of us.
We all have similar basic desires and needs, for example:
1. Mating /self reproduction / sex.
2. Eating and drinking / energy intake - to sustain the physical and mental body.
3. 'Defending' / the 'protection of ones territorial space' - in order to physically survive.
4. Sleeping / the need to rest, is a necessary desire.
These 4 basic drives are present in all of us, however we are all distinct and unique individuals, and therefore, it is no exaggeration - to say that - to 'be oneself' - is also a 'necessary desire.'
To be oneself means the need to express oneself as an individual 'physically' and 'mentally' / 'emotionally.' But - everybody else is entitled to 'be themselves' - therefore, we come to the issue of 'ones environment.' This environment can be expressed as ones 'physical environment’ / ‘space' - ones 'social environment’ / ‘space' and ones 'emotional environment’ / ‘space' -
There is a need for an individual to occupy physical space and within that physical space that is occupied, there is a need that the individual does not feel threatened and feels secure.
Expressed in modern day terms and situations one has a need to feel 'physically free' and not to have to live in 'fear' or 'threat' of violence and intimidation. These are real 'physical dangers,' which most of us in some point in our lives would have experienced. Therefore, the occupation of a 'free physical space,' is a real need and is central to maintaining mental and emotional health and well being. Thus, the individual has a need for a 'secure home' where s/he can return or retreat to whenever necessary.
The ability or inability to do this is something which affects our mental and emotional well being. A frequent cause for mental and emotional ‘dis-ease’ are problems of housing and the inability to secure housing for oneself and family.
In the expression of our individuality / ‘individual self’ - we create relations - these can be termed, 'social relations.' Some we have had no choice about i.e. we are born into a certain family - others, we create as we go through life.
The dynamics of these 'social relations' have a real effect and impact on our mental and emotional lives and so therefore being able to maintain healthy and stable social relationships is important in maintaining our mental and emotional well being. This whole area could be summed up in a simple phrase - 'We are social and communal beings - therefore we have the desire to love and be loved.'
The ability to 'give' and 'receive' affection therefore is something which affects our mental and emotional well being. Being able to handle family and other personal relationships, is central to maintaining good emotional and mental well being and health.
We can define our emotional environment as being our 'range of responses' to everything that happens to us. We may have no control over any particular event, but our response to any event can be regarded as our 'emotional response' - and therefore will have an effect on our emotional environment / space. Thus, our physical environment and social environment clearly cause us to have certain ‘emotional responses.’ If we are going to be made homeless, in addition to anything else that happens to us - we will have an ‘emotional response’ to that. Similarly if we fall out with our parents or someone else we love, in addition to anything else that may happen, we will have an ‘emotional response’ to that situation.
Now we have laid the foundation for the causes of 'emotional responses' - and if we accept that, irrespective of the 'event' or 'situation' - our ‘emotional response’ is something we can have control over - thus, if we are able to exercise this power - we are on the way to 'taking control' of our lives.
Of course, we can also try to stop the things we don't like happening to us - but true 'Self Mastery' - (which is what properly handling ‘emotional responses’ is) - enables us to take control over our lives - and to exercise 'Self Empowerment' - in the most meaningful and practical way possible.
To view the contents of this index – click the subject title of interest below.
Alternative Medicine & Remedies
- Alternative Medicine Guide: Find the Right Treatment for You | Yoga Journal
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (for Teens)
- Frankincense Has Been Proven To Be A Psychoactive Antidepressant
Emotional Healing
- The ‘Soul’ After Mental Illness
Emotional Space
- Abstract for Emotional space improves emotion recognition - Semantic Scholar
- "Boundaries: Creating a Safe Emotional Space for Yourself" on YouTube
- Creating A Safe Emotional Space For Your Child - PDF
- Daniel A. Bochner, Ph.D. - Emotional Space
- Defining emotional space - Ronnie de Sousa, 2007
- DIAGRAM :: Sample of Emotional Space
- Emotional Dependency, Needing Space
- Emotional Spaces - My Favorite Place is With You - Exploring your mind
- Space and Emotions | Max Planck Institute for Human Development
- The 5 Levels Of Emotional Space | Ripples of Improvement
- The Emotional Space Theory – The View from a Drawbridge
- The No BS Guide to Setting Healthy Boundaries in Real Life
- The Self in Emotional Space | Metanexus
- Why You Must Learn to Accelerate Emotional Space - Bring Gratitude
- Your Emotional Creative Space: Where Your Art Comes to Life
- Top 100 Psychotherapy Blogs And Websites To Follow in 2019
- 20 Love, Life and Heartbreak Quotes from Leo Christopher | YourTango
Meditation Healing
- Healing Meditation: How to Heal Your Body With Your Mind
Mental Healing
- Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit: Guided Meditation — Purpose Fairy
Mental Health
- Hope Harbour Wellness - Run By People In Recovery, For People In Recovery
- West Georgia Wellness Center - Atlanta Residential Mental Health Center
Mental Well Being
- 10 Healing Things that Help Mental Health Recovery
- How Does Mental Health Affect Your Sleep? (16-Jan2020) | Sleepopolis
Mind - Body - Unity
- The Best Mind-Body Techniques | SELF
- 36 Famous Quotes on Mindfulness Meditation For Yoga, Sleeping, and Healing
- Mindfulness - Pin by FLP Healing Your Mind & Body on mind improving
- Top 100 Life Coach Websites And Blogs To Follow in 2019
Healing Your Mind - complementary-alternative-therapies-2018.pdf
- Well-being and the environment - PDF
Personal Environment
- Anxiety Linked to a Need for More Personal Space - MedicineNet
- Green spaces have lasting positive effect on well-being - BBC News
- How to explain the need for personal space
- How Your Sense of Personal Space Shapes Your Life | Psychology Today
- Stress and Personal Space - When People Invade Your Privacy - Exploring your mind
- The impact of the physical and urban environment on mental well-being - ScienceDirect
- Healing your mind, body, and spirit
- Healing Quotes - the soul usually knows what to do to heal itself...
- Mind, Body, Health & Healing
Positive Affirmations
- Positive Affirmations: The Definitive Guide 2020 | Positive Creators
- Prayers for Healing of Mind, Body, and Soul – Prayables
- Top 100 Divorce Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2019
The Art Of Healing
- Top 75 Happiness Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2019 | Happy
- Emotional Space - Search Results for "#emotional"
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