'Nasal Clearing Technique'
This technique should be practiced over your washbasin or any other place where you can suitably – ‘wash away’ unwanted bodily fluids (mucus/phlegm.)
Have ready a cup of warm water.
Sprinkle a few grains of salt into the right hand (if desired.)
Form a cup with the right hand.
Place head and body over washbasin, pour warm water into right hand.
Using left thumb – close left nostril.
Breathing gently through the right nostril with nose touching the surface of the water in right hand. Breathing gently – causing intake of water up into right nostril.
Keep breathing in causing water to rise up right nostril, down through the back of the throat and spit out water plus mucus gathered, out through the mouth.
Repeat changing hand (i.e. cup your left hand and close your right nostril with right hand.)
Repeat the process 2-3 times.
Do not be disappointed if you do not master this technique straight away – it will take a little practice but it is well worth the effort. Try to turn it into a short meditation as you focus your attention on what you are doing so that you will in time develop skill and accuracy in the performance of this technique.
You should find as the water rises up your nostril, it will collect the mucus and phlegm and dirt/particles that have gathered there during breathing, these should be expelled out through the mouth and nose. You can expel mucus/phlegm from the nose by blowing the nose using a tissue or handkerchief in the usual manner.
After you have performed this technique you can ‘seal’ your inner nasal passage by using a finger smeared with Vaseline or other natural jelly/oil and apply it to the inside of both nostrils, this ‘seal’ acts as an additional barrier to particles found in the air. It is an especially good technique for individuals who suffer from hay fever – this technique should be performed before leaving home in the morning and the last thing at night before sleeping. If performed regularly it should reduce significantly if not completely the suffering of the effects of hay fever allergy.
Finally, it is always best to use the purest water available – however, household tap water can be used (as it is not ingested) in this technique. In other words it is better to do the technique using household tap water than not doing it at all.
- Science Of Longevity And Rejuvenation (SOLAR)
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