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'Daily Instruction'

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Previously, (in the 'Introduction') we discussed part 1 of this topic - you can access part 1, under the sub heading - 'The Causes Of Sickness' by clicking here.

Since we have identified, that the 'root cause' of sickness and 'ill health,' are the 'chaotic' and 'jumbled' emotions - it is necessary for the individual who seeks to heal themself, to investigate - 'what are the root causes for any chaotic and 'jumbled' emotions they may have.'

This may be no easy matter, for many people - because it requires 'perfect honesty' with regards to oneself and how one sees oneself. 


This is a 'mirror' which reflects, not just the physical body, but the 'entire Being' of the individual. 


We cannot stress enough, how important this particular aspect of 'Self Healing' is. 


We have observed on a number of occasions, individuals who have complained that they have been 'unable to heal themselves.'  Upon a careful inquiry with them, it has been found, that they had 'evaded' or 'avoided' or 'refused to confront' - this aspect of the 'treatment' - make no doubt - treatment it is! 

We have found in our experience, that if an individual is able to surmount any obstacle to this particular aspect, of the process - and is able to analyse themselves with 'perfect honesty,' they are well on the way to 'perfect health.'  

This is a major subject and it is something, which we shall encounter again and again - we do not wish to delay the progress of this work, by dwelling upon it too much at this stage - but let us take by way of an example, the kind of thing that an individual should consider - when seeking to determine - 'what is the root cause for these 'chaotic' and 'jumbled' emotions, which has brought sickness upon me.'

Every action in our life, bears a 'causal relation' to other actions in our lives and the consequences derived therefrom, therefore it is not surprising that childhood and experiences that we have had as a child, may have some bearing on certain types of sickness. 


Similarly our relationships with our family, friends, others in our community, likewise - may have an impact on our 'emotional space' and thus affect our 'physical space' (bodily health.) 


Much of this is recognised in 'modern healing' and so most of you will be familiar with this thinking.  


An illness has a history, in much the same way, as you have a history - the 'history of your life.'  We have stated that the history of 'illness' is 'rooted' in the 'chaotic' and 'jumbled' emotions. 


We have also stated that the 'root cause' of these 'jumbled' and 'chaotic' emotions could come from a number of different sources. 


If you note the sources we have referred to above such as 'childhood experiences,' 'family,' 'friends' and 'other members of our community' - we could style this source of influence as being, 'private influences.'  By private we mean - that the experience is 'often encountered in private' - a great deal of our childhood experiences are private ones - within the family - within the privacy of a school setting, family and relatives - we use the term private in that sense. 

We also use the term 'private' in the sense that, these are things which we can easily become aware of - and can take steps to 'avoid' or 'change.'  If we don't like our friends - we can change them - i.e. remove them from our 'personal space.' - If we are unhappy with a family situation we can take steps to 'avoid' or 'change' it. 

It is accepted that as a 'child' there are limitations.  But certainly, as we become adolescents and adults, we should have increasingly more control, over this 'private space.'  Alas - the experience of a great number of people in 'modern society,' is that this is not the case - and so an individual seeking to 'heal themself' - must almost immediately consider this 'private space' and determine ways in which this 'private space' is properly controlled! - By them.

It shall be the function of this work to deal with this particular subject at some length, because again, if this is properly 'mastered' then you are well on the road to 'good health.' 

This is not a 'mathematical work' - and we are uncertain if it could be classified as an 'art' or a 'science' - but if we were asked to give some kind of statistical guide as to 'how far we have come, so far, in being completely healed' - we would offer the following statistic. 


If you engage in 'Introspection' - regularly with - 'perfect honesty' - you will be cured of approximately 50% of that which you suffer from, irrespective of what name or label has been afforded that particular illness or disease. 


If you embark on the next stage and seriously attempt to 'control' your 'private space' (note the emphasis on 'your' and not another - 'private space') you will have obtained approximately another 25% progress in your journey to good health. 


Thus, we can see already, if we are correct (and we believe that we are) that these two principles properly practiced on a regular basis will achieve approximately 75% success. 

Now, for the other 25% - there are a lot more diverse considerations and it is, really to those considerations that the bulk of this book is devoted - since to be 75% cured - whilst an improvement - would seem to suggest that something is lacking in the particular system. 


We believe this system guarantees near total 'Self Healing' capabilities - since, as has been previously stated, and shall be continually restated - such is the right of Humanity.  


Injury, is a specific category, which we shall consider - since it is clear that some injuries are inflicted without any involvement by the person suffering - and therefore it could rightly be said - 'how does ones 'chaotic' and 'jumbled' emotions affect that situation?' 


That is a correct assessment and consideration - we would not say that the injury could have been avoided - by anything the individual could have done - and with reference to such injuries - we are clearly referring to any 'recovery process.' 

Also, in relation to certain physical bodily ailments - which are of severity, again, we are referring to the 'healing process' - dependent on the nature of the physical injury involved, there will be complete recovery.  In other instances, these self healing techniques along with 'regular' medical treatments including surgery etc would ensure that the individual 'obtained' 'maximum'/'optimal' recovery. 

The point we would make in such instances - is that these 'Self Heal' techniques are not secondary to any, for example, surgical procedures - but are a necessary part of such treatment.  A patient undergoing surgery for example, most certainly has 'emotional feelings' and 'responses' to - issues - such as, 'what caused the surgery?' - 'why did it happen to me?' - 'how will I get better?' - 'can I get better?'- 'how long will I take to get better?' etc...

All these questions, are of consequence, in considering the recovery of the individual.  These types of questions/issues - are precisely the types of questions/issues that the individual - when confronted with them - can use - the 'Self Heal And Live Life' techniques.

- 'Self Heal And Live Life' (SHALL)

Access other work from this series -

SHALL's - Self Healing Index

To view the contents of this index – click the index title of interest below. 

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