'Daily Instruction'
The 'public space' by which we mean those areas beyond an individual's 'private space,' is an area which clearly influences individual health. Actions that occur in the 'public space' - impact directly on individual health.
What do we mean by the 'public space?' - The public space in relation to health, are those activities where individual health and well being intersect with 'political' and 'social' policy. These are acts taken by the 'State' on behalf of the community as a whole. Thus, in a 'democratic society' - those actions should reflect the Will/wishes of the community/people.
Unfortunately, this is not currently so - pretty much anywhere on this planet - and it is questionable whether such a democratic system has ever truly existed on this planet. Indeed, if such a system were to exist on this planet - we could properly speak of the 'arrival of the Kingdom/Queendom of Heaven on Earth.'
The 'public space' in being the 'proper' reflection of the wishes of the community/people should reflect 'political' and 'social' policy, which are in the interests of the community/people. Unfortunately, not only is this not the case - but one can go further if one takes the trouble to do rudimentary research - to say, that 'Humanity' - appears to have been and continues to be - 'intentionally' 'poisoned,' 'culled' and in a myriad of other ways exposed to policies and actions within the 'public space' - which actively cause ill health to the general populous. These policies and actions also cause medium and long term degeneration of human bio organic systems (for example DNA) and ultimately these policies and actions increase the rate and frequency of death, namely by shortening human life. That is the end result - the suffering and misery experienced by individuals, who are the victims of this process is unspeakable.
There is a misconception that Humanity in terms of 'health' and 'longevity' is on an upward trajectory - however, if one regards the span of Humanity as existing over 'tens if not hundreds of thousands of years', one will see that the life expectancy of humans has decreased significantly from being that of existence in the 'hundreds of years' to that of today - where individuals living for 90 -100 years or more are regarded as exceptional. However, this is another topic, which space does not permit us to discuss in greater detail here.
The activities within the 'public space' which we referred to above are the systematic destruction of the 'literal public space' of Humanity we see regularly occurring in the despoliation of such 'public spaces' like the 'rain forest,' the 'oceans' and a general lack of care for the 'environment.' On an individual level we see this in such 'State' activities - such as the 'fluoridation' of drinking water, 'GMO food,' 'radiating of food' (so that they lack genuine nutrition,) the ubiquity of 'fast foods,' 'vaccinations' which destroy 'immune systems' and kill individuals, 'electromagnetic fields' used in modern technology, the most recent being the roll out of '5G technologies' - all of which also serve to weaken, destroy 'immune systems' and cause 'diseases' and 'sickness' such as cancer - medications which are routinely prescribed to individuals whose 'side effects' are worse than the original ailment and we could go on... Such actions can properly be described by the phrase - 'anti human.'
We regard, as do many others, systematic deployment of such 'policies' as being nothing less than a deliberate act by certain 'State actors' to weaken, shorten and ultimately 'change' the very nature of human existence.
This is the 'nature' of the 'public space' - in which the majority of Humanity currently exist. There can be no 'political' or 'social' understanding or solution to this 'problem.' The issue is so malign/malevolent and vast that only a 'metaphysical' understanding of why such practices could take place in the world can offer any kind of explanation to what Humanity is currently being 'exposed' to in the - 'public space' globally!
If one approaches this 'problem' - from a 'metaphysical' - 'Cosmic' - 'understanding' - then one will readily see the 'probable' - 'solution' to this current problem which faces the entirety of Humanity. One has to resort to such 'metaphysical'/'Cosmic' understandings.
These activities within the 'public space' must be regarded as something which, if it were not 'preordained' - is most certainly being 'permitted' within the 'Cosmic scheme' of things. If that is so and this 'Cosmic scheme' of things is 'just' and 'balanced' - then there 'exists' and is - a solution which should be 'perfectly available' to all. It is therefore that with this kind of understanding that the 'SHALL techniques' - disclosed here and many other similar techniques which are currently being 'disclosed' by other individuals should be seen.
These 'sublime' and 'simple solutions' to what appears to be a 'human catastrophe' must be seen in the light of this Cosmic understanding. They are so 'simple' and so 'readily available' - because the crisis which has been deliberately induced is so monstrous.
The 'public space' therefore - as it currently exists, can be seen to be a 'Cosmic battle ground' - in relation to the health of Humanity.
For further information on the topics discussed in this article please find relevant links below: -
- iGURU!'s - New World Order Index (you will find information about 5G under the relevant heading on this index) - to access - click here.
- iGURU!'s - Medicine, Big Pharma & Health Index - to access - click here.
- 'Self Heal And Live Life' (SHALL)
Private Space
- 'AphorVision' - 'Whose Shoes - Are You In?'
SHALL's - Self Healing Index
To view the contents of this index – click the index title of interest below.
- Self-healing | Define Self-healing at
- Self-healing | Definition of Self-healing by Merriam-Webster
- What is self-healing? - Definition from
Self Healing
- Pinterest - Self Healing
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