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'Daily Instruction'

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We suggest that you watch the following featured video before reading the rest of this work - this suggestion is optional and can be ignored if the reader wishes.


There's been quite a bit of theory given already, in relation to the SHALL System.  We make no apologies for that, as it is imperative that both the reader and ultimate user of the system be aware of its 'metaphysical'/'philosophical' basis.

SHALL is a 'practical system' and it is with this in mind, that this work was produced, for those readers, both in current 'good health' and those who are not.  Therefore, we would give a word of encouragement at this stage.

The preceding theoretical explanations have not been without purpose.  The SHALL system is based on 'Mind'/'mental power' - therefore, the exercise in getting to 'grips' with its theoretical basis, is very much part of the 'training' in its use, which will have already been, taking place. 

Therefore, the reader should draw comfort from the fact that, the process of 'practical application' of the SHALL System has already started.  Why we say this, is that, at the 'core' of the SHALL System is the principle of 'Resonance.'


We use the term 'Resonance' similarly to the way that it is understood with reference to 'sound' - but we give it a more 'universal' application. 


In brief, we define the concept of 'Resonance' as being 'sympathetic' or 'empathetic' vibration, between two or more 'entities.'  On the third dimensional plane, 'Resonance' is 'applicable'/can be experienced by all the five senses - 'taste,' 'touch,' 'hearing,' 'seeing,' 'smell.'  'Resonance' - transmits 'sense experience' from 'entity' to 'entity' and through various mediums. 

Further, the concept of 'Resonance' as we use and understand it - is 'Trans-Dimensional' in nature.  Thus, 'entities' operating within the various dimensions are capable of 'applying'/'experiencing' this principle.  This is fundamental to the SHALL System.

As the reader has proceeded to read this work, we believe already, that there will have been established, a 'sympathetic resonant vibration' with the 'mind' of the reader. 


Through the act of reading this work, the reader can be regarded as having already taken 'practical steps' - in the application of the SHALL system.


We do not claim that there are any 'magical' properties or any 'sacred' properties inherent in the work itself - but simply state, that we believe the principle of 'Resonance' is at play, whilst the reader reads this work.

This means that the diligent reader, who has 'conscientiously' considered the foregoing pages, even the skeptic - and even with an incomplete 'understanding' of the contents so far - can be said to already be 'applying' the SHALL System. 

What does this mean? -


It means that the reader is already on the road to 'Self Healing' - by process of 'mind.' 


We hope that any reader who is currently suffering from an illness - may even start noticing changes. 

It would be irresponsible for us to be specific about this, as each individual case must be considered in its own merit, but if the exercises we have referred to previously have been carried out, we believe that already the reader, if they suffer from illness, should have already have experienced some benefit. 

Of course, we have only started to describe the SHALL System and therefore we expect - whether improvement has been experienced or not - that there shall be improvement, if the SHALL System is applied with the correct 'understanding.'

In brief, what we have been trying to say above is that the 'theory' is just as important as the practice - because this is a 'mind power based' system. 


The human being comprises 'several bodies' - the 'physical body' - the one most clearly experienced within the third dimensional plane, is the most obvious, but there are several other 'bodies.' 

Different spiritual traditions speak of these bodies and since this is not primarily a 'spiritual discourse,' but a work concerned with 'practical healing' - we shall provide, at the end of this work, references/additional reading materials so that the reader can pursue this particular subject. 

For now, it is sufficient for the reader to accept that these 'several' other 'bodies' - often described as 'subtle bodies' - exist. 

With an understanding of these 'subtle bodies' and the work they perform within the overall 'Trans-Dimensional Existence' of human beings, the reader will be able to 'operate' the SHALL System. 

The reader does not have to get into the particular niceties of these 'subtle bodies' to practice 'Self Healing' - but a knowledge of them, will assist in both the 'understanding' and 'practice' of 'Self Healing.'


The principle that the reader must take from what has just been said, is that 'ideally' these 'subtle bodes,' should be 'properly integrated' and one possible cause of illness of all sorts and of all degrees, ranging from, something as simple as a minor 'headache' - to serious respiratory, gastric, neurological problems - indeed, all kinds of problems within the physical body - can be attributed to this 'lack of proper integration.'


There is one secret - any 'sincere' and 'honest' 'healer' truly knows - that is, the 'healer,' him or herself, is 'merely' the 'channel' - the 'medium,' for the 'healing power' - which through him or her - flows. 


Any 'sincere' and 'honest' 'healer' will tell you - 'it is not I - who performs this work of wonderment!  You too can perform such works - both for 'yourself' and others - and yet - even more!'

- 'Self Heal And Live Life' (SHALL)

Additional Reading:

To access - click on the title of interest below

1. Health & The 'Subtle Bodies'

2. The Chakra System

3. 'The Trans-Dimensional Human' ('The 7 Precepts Of Human Consciousness & Evolution')

Access other work from this series -

SHALL's - Self Healing Index

To view the contents of this index – click the index title of interest below. 




- How to Tap into Your Self-Healing Superpowers | Psychology Today

- Self Realization is the Highest Healing - Stillness Speaks



- Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization


Cosmic Energy & Healing


- Cosmic Energy Healing - Spirituality and Health

- Cosmic Energy & Self-healing - LinkedIn

- What Is Cosmic Energy Meditation And What Are Its Benefits?

- What the Mind Needs to Tune Into Cosmic Intelligence - Think Smarter


Creating Your Reality

- "Science Admitted Signals Control Us" on YouTube



- Self-healing | Define Self-healing at

- Self-healing | Definition of Self-healing by Merriam-Webster

- What is self-healing? - Definition from


Fear & Anxiety

- 33 Powerful Ways of Overcoming Fear ... Right Now - Wake Up Cloud

- Anxiety, Fear, Phobias, & Panic Attacks

- Art therapy - anxiety, worries, fears

- Coping with Anxiety

- Overcoming Fear - How to Conquer Your Fears -

- Overcoming Fear: The Only Way Out is Through | Psychology Today

- Pinterest - Anxiety & Fear



- How to Trigger the Self-Healing Mechanism of Your Subconscious Mind

- Mind Definition - GoodTherapy

- Mind - Wikipedia

- Mind Over Medicine: The Awesome Power Of The Mind To Heal The Body

- Theory of Mind | Encyclopedia of Psychology - Psych Central

- What Is the Mind? | Psychology Today

Mind Power

- Mind Power Quotes

- Pinterest - Mind Power

- The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!


Self Healing


- Pinterest - Self Healing

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