Gargling is a very useful and simple way to maintain good oral health. Used with the nasal clearing technique both are excellent ways to prevent colds, sore throats, inflammation etc... It is especially useful for removing mucus/phlegm from the throat and mouth, which is often a source for infection.
If a few grains of sea salt is added to a solution, it assists in strengthening the body's electromagnetic field (sea salt - sodium chloride is a good conductor of electricity.) The body's electromagnetic or auric field is a vital part of the body's immune system.
To gargle:
1. Take a cup of warm water - sprinkle a few grains of sea salt into the water, stir and allow it to dissolve.
2. Place head and body over washbasin.
3. Whilst the water is still warm, take approximately half a mouthful of the solution into your mouth - tilt the head back and without swallowing the liquid, try to open your mouth and whilst exhaling, make the "ahhh" sound using the vocal chords to vibrate the throat and water in the mouth.
(Note:- The sea salt water solution should be resting gently at the back of the throat. Keep the small flap in the back of your throat, the epiglottis, closed so that none of the liquid gets accidentally swallowed.)
4. Gargle for about 15-20 seconds or as long as possible, then spit out the solution into the washbasin.
5. This process should be repeated 3-4 times - in all. One should attempt to gargle for approximately 1-1.5 minutes.
- Science Of Longevity And Rejuvenation (SOLAR)
Solar's - Gargling Index
To view the contents of this index – click the subject title of interest below.
- 4 Gargling Benefits and How it Could Benefit those with Leaky Gut
- 15 Amazing Benefits Of Salt Water Gargle
- Gargling salt water is an inflammation-fighting hero | Well+Good
- The Amazing Health Benefits Of Doing Salt Water Gargle
- The many benefits of gargling with salt water. - Oryx Desert Salt
- Definition of gargle in English by Oxford Dictionaries
- GARGLING | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
- Gargling| Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com
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